Here you have a list of the Conferences and invited Talks that I attended. The more recent presentations can be also downloaded.
From linear to nonlinear model order reduction, Invited Keynote Speaker, II International Workshop on Computational Science and AI in industry, Trondheim, Norway, 2023.
Non-Linear Manifold projection reduced order models for parametric partial differential equations with convolutional autoencoders and reduced Over-Collocation Method, Invited Speaker in contributed session, UMI congress, Pisa, Italy, 2023.
ITHACA-FV a C++ library for model order reduction based on OpenFoam, Invited Speaker in contributed session, X International Conference of Computational Methods for Coupled Problems in Science and Engineering, Chania, Greece, 2023.
An OpenFOAM-based tool for Real-time Data Assimilation in Continuous Casting Molds, Invited Speaker in contributed session, Math 2 Product, Taormina, Italy, 2023.
Dalla modellazione matematica alla simulazione numerica: applicazione a casi di interesse industriale/biomedicale, Invited Seminar for University Students, Biotechnology degree course, Fano, Italy, 2023.
Simulo Ergo Sum: il computer simula la realtà, Invited Seminar for Computer Science Students, Computer Science degree course, Urbino, Italy, 2023.
A novel approach for nonlinear ROMs exploiting convolutional autoencoders and collocation, Invited Speaker, International Workshop on Reduced Order Methods, Singapore, 2023.
Nonlinear manifold ROM with Convolutional Autoencoders and Reduced Over-Collocation method, Invited Speaker, Accurate ROMs for Industrial Applications at INRIA Bordeaux, 2023.
Nonlinear manifold ROM with Convolutional Autoencoders and Reduced Over-Collocation method, ECCOMAS, Oslo. [Slides]
Nonlinear manifold ROM with Convolutional Autoencoders and Reduced Over-Collocation method, Virginia Tech, US [Slides]
Model order reduction for turbulent and compressible flows: hybrid approaches in physics and geometry parametrization, Selected Contributed Talk, Model Reduction and Surrogate Modeling, 2022, Berlin, Germany.
Hybrid reduced order models for coupled heat transfer problems, COUPLED 2021 conference Online Event. [Slides]
Hybrid reduced order models for turbulent flows, VI ECCOMAS Young Investigators Conference 2021, Valencia, Spain. [Slides]
Shifting learning in non-linear hyperbolic equations using neural networks, MMLD-CSET 2021 conference, San Diego, USA. [Slides]
Geometrically parametrized reduced-order models using OpenFOAM and ITHACA-FV, 4th GOFUN meeting, Braunschweig, Germany. [Slides]
Intrusive and Non-Intrusive Reduced Order Methods for Parametric Problems Using OpenFOAM, 15th OpenFOAM workshop Arlington, VA, USA. [Slides]
Bayesian identification in ROM for computational fluid dynamics, UNCECOMP2019 (MS organizer) conference, Crete, Greece. [Slides]
Increasing Reynolds Number: State of the Art and Perspectives for Reduced Order Methods in Computational Fluid Dynamics, (Speaker G. Rozza), COUPLED 2019, Sitges (Barcelona), Spain. [Slides]
Reduced Order Modeling with OpenFOAM using intrusive and non-intrusive methods, 3rd GOFUN meeting, Braunschweig, Germany. [Slides]
Reduced Order Models for turbulent flows and geometrical parametrization, FEF2019 conference (Keynote Speaker), Chicago, US. [Slides]
Stabilized Reduced Order Methods for computational fluid dynamics, Invited speaker for a seminar at the Institute of Scientific Computing of the TU Braunschweig, Germany. [Slides]
Finite volume POD-Galerkin stabilized reduced order methods for the parametrized incompressible Navier-Stokes equations, presentation at the conference Model Reduction of Parametrized Systems, MoRePaS 2018, Nantes, [Slides].
Finite volume POD-Galerkin stabilised reduced order methods for the parametrised incompressible Navier-Stokes equations, Invited speaker for a seminar at the Institute of Scientific Computing of the TU Braunschweig, Germany. [Slides]
Stabilization techniques for pressure recovery applied to POD-Galerkin methods for the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations, Poster Presenter at the QUIET conference, SISSA, Trieste. [Poster]
Stabilization techniques applied to POD-Galerkin methods for finite volume approximation of the Navier-Stokes equations, Speaker presenter at the 19h International Conference on Finite Elements in Flow Problems, FEF 2017 - Rome. [Slides]
POD-Galerkin Reduced Order Model for the simulation of laminar and turbulent flows around a circular cylinderConference , Poster presenter at the conference “Recent developments in numerical methods for model reduction”, Institute Henry Poincare, Paris. [Poster]
Reduced order modelling of vortex-induced vibrations for long slender structures in an offshore environment. Presentation at the 87th GAMM meeting, the 87th meeting of the international association of applied mathematics and mechanics organized in Braunschweig.
A numerical approach to the dynamic analysis of mooring lines. Presentation at the 86th GAMM meeting, the 86th meeting of the international association of applied mathematics and mechanics organized in Lecce.
A Reduced order model for long flexible cylinders in offshore environment. Presentation at SCACR 2015 the International Short Course and Conference on Applied Coastal Research organized in Florence.
A numerical approach to dynamic analysis of marine cables - Presentation at AIMETA 2015 the biannual meeting of the Italian Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics organized in Genoa.
Dynamic Modelling of Mooring Lines Using a FSI Solver Based on OpenFOAM - Presentation at NOFUN 2015 - the 3rd Northern Germany User Meeting, organized by the institute of computing science of the TU Braunschweig.
Fluid Structure Interaction with OpenFOAM using the Component Template Library - Presentation at NOFUN 2014, the 2nd Northern Germany User Meeting, organized by the institute of computing science of the TU Braunschweig.